4 research outputs found

    Frontiers of robotic endoscopic capsules: a review

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    Digestive diseases are a major burden for society and healthcare systems, and with an aging population, the importance of their effective management will become critical. Healthcare systems worldwide already struggle to insure quality and affordability of healthcare delivery and this will be a significant challenge in the midterm future. Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE), introduced in 2000 by Given Imaging Ltd., is an example of disruptive technology and represents an attractive alternative to traditional diagnostic techniques. WCE overcomes conventional endoscopy enabling inspection of the digestive system without discomfort or the need for sedation. Thus, it has the advantage of encouraging patients to undergo gastrointestinal (GI) tract examinations and of facilitating mass screening programmes. With the integration of further capabilities based on microrobotics, e.g. active locomotion and embedded therapeutic modules, WCE could become the key-technology for GI diagnosis and treatment. This review presents a research update on WCE and describes the state-of-the-art of current endoscopic devices with a focus on research-oriented robotic capsule endoscopes enabled by microsystem technologies. The article also presents a visionary perspective on WCE potential for screening, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures

    Design and preliminary evaluation of haptic devices for upper limb stimulation and integration within a virtual reality cave

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    During the last decade significant advances have been made in vibrotactile actuator design that are leading to the development of novel haptic technologies. Similarly, important innovations have been made in the area of virtual reality for scene rendering and user tracking. However, the integration of these technologies has not been well explored. In this paper, we outline a broad design philosophy and integration plan of these tools. In addition, we give an overview of applications for such a cohesive set of technologies. Preliminary results are provided to demonstrate their critical importance and future widespread use

    Intratemporal facial nerve ultrastructure in patients with idiopathic facial paralysis. Viral infection evidence study

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    The etiology of idiopathic peripheral facial palsy (IPFP) is still uncertain; however, some authors suggest the possibility of a viral infection. Aim: to analyze the ultrastructure of the facial nerve seeking viral evidences that might provide etiological data. Material and Methods: We studied 20 patients with peripheral facial palsy (PFP), with moderate to severe FP, of both genders, between 18-60 years of age, from the Clinic of Facial Nerve Disorders. The patients were broken down into two groups - Study: eleven patients with IPFP and Control: nine patients with trauma or tumor-related PFP. The fragments were obtained from the facial nerve sheath or from fragments of its stumps - which would be discarded or sent to pathology exam during the facial nerve repair surgery. The removed tissue was fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde, and studied under Electronic Transmission Microscopy. Results: In the study group we observed an intense repair cellular activity by increased collagen fibers, fibroblasts containing developed organelles, free of viral particles. In the control group this repair activity was not evident, but no viral particles were observed. Conclusion: There were no viral particles, and there were evidences of intense activity of repair or viral infection